I've been running 10.5 on various machines since day 1. The only
problem I've had is right at install; Leopard is memory intensive and
any RAM that is not up to specs will cause problems, even if Tiger ran
on it. Use a RAM checker (like Rember) and run several passes to be
sure your RAM is OK before you install 10.5. Also, be sure you want/
need/will use Leopard's features, because it will run a little slower
than 10.4.11.

On Nov 10, 2:23 am, Digital Bill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> The subject line pretty much says it all. I've never been an early
> adopter, and I've held off going beyond Tiger 10.4.11 on my MDD Dual
> (2x867) G4 until now mainly because it's been stable and I
> (mistakenly) thought I wanted to hold onto Classic.
> The G4 dual-boots, so any need for OS9 -- which is minimal these days
> -- can be met by booting directly into it. Or by accessing it on the
> Panther machine I have: a Power Computing clone with G4 card running
> XPostFacto.
> I routinely share files between the two machines, as well as my wife's
> new iMac, which runs Leopard. And I like a lot of what I've seen in
> Leopard, especially the simplicity of Time Machine, to say nothing of
> several apps and utilities I regularly use being upgraded to Leopard-
> only status, Plus the allure of being as up-to-date as possible,
> especially given that the current Leopard will probably be the last
> version of OSX that will run on my PPC machine.
> So, given all that setup, have I waited long enough? Is Leopard stable
> enough and reliable enough and speedy enough for my MDD Dual G4?
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