On Dec 8, 2008, at 9:12 AM, insightinmind wrote:

>> Absolutely. Apple's already announced that 10.6 will be Intel-only.
>> The PPC is a dead end.
> No more updates to Time Machine for 10.5.n users, after 10.6.m? or
> will it be retro-fixed-up?

There may well be a 10.5.n final update, and Apple will likely  
continue to offer security patches for PPC machines, but Apple's  
general strategy has been once a new OS version is out, the old one is  
deprecated. Bug fixes go into the new OS not the old one.

At this point it's been 3 years since the last PPC Macs were released,  
and it will be going on 4 by the time 10.6 is released and up to it's  
0.1 update. And being stuck at 10.5 isn't bad, 10.6 is supposed to be  
mainly a bug-squashing and stability release; there probably won't be  
really significant changes in the underlying systems, so 10.5 will be  
viable for some time yet.

But the writing was on the wall from the moment the Intel switch was  
announced. User's and developer's strategies should have been focused  
on the move from one platform to the next, particularly for high-end  
work that G5's did.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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