On Dec 9, 2008, at 10:15 PM, Paul wrote:

> I usually run my G4 on the Internet by connecting it with an Ethernet
> cable to a DSL router with a built-in firewall. Is there any
> particular setting I should use? I'm pretty sure I set it to use
> "stealth mode" as much as possible, but there were a lot of things to
> check off ins the set-up screen, and it's possible I missed something.

If you don't have anything checked in the Sharing pane in System  
Preferences, there's nothing much to firewall anyway.

Those checkboxes (I'm guessing here, since you're talking about the  
router built into the DSL router) are most likely for opening specific  
holes in the firewall to allow services; if all you want to do is  
block stuff, firewall config is pretty straightforward.

What brand and model is the router, I can look at their manuals online  
and make sure.

If the router has multiple ethernet ports, it's doing NAT anyway and  
you're pretty much safe.

Bruce Johnson

"No matter where you go, there you are", B. Banzai

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