On Dec 26, 2008, at 11:23 AM, Beniamino Cenci Goga wrote:

>>> You need to look at the Grackle chip on the motherboard to see if it
>> can support the 83MHz bus speed.
> It is the 66 MHz, but it has run rock solid for months, until I used
> one L2 enabler (I do not recall which).
>> How did you know the L2 was bad?
> OS X reads "0" and I have never been able to enable it.
> BTW, I went back to the default 266/66 configuration and still the
> same problem: is it possible that the last L2 enabler that I used (I
> believe it was under OS X) has flashed some firmware or else?

I've used PowerLogix, Sonnet and XLR8 MACh Speed Control as L2 cache  
enablers, and the one I liked best is XLR8 by Daystar.

I'm currently using it on a native PCI Graphics Yikes! G4/400 that I  
oc'd to 450 ... working fine for the last few months. Also use it on  
my PowerPC 8500 with a Sonnet G4/450.

Without the L2 cache enabled, the system is extremely slow ... with  
it enabled, it zips along. Startup can start slow, then accelerate  
when the enabler becomes active.

If we use one cache enabler (like Sonnet's) and then try to use  
another without fully removing the first, things will crash (most  

Switching from OS 9 to X is another issue ... XLR8 has versions  
designed for each OS.

I don't remember the rules about Classic OS 9, but I use to use  
Classic to also Startup my Mac when problems occurred ... then  
whether or not the cache enabler was there or not was important ...  
its been awhile so I can't remember ... just bringing it up as  
something to consider.

Seems like a lot to figure out ... but I found using XLR8 was the  
easiest, and I put Sonnet and PowerLogix away in their respective  
storage folders ... away from the OS9 and X system folders.

Its really important to have each completely removed before trying  

My thoughts on the subject.

Bill Connelly
artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

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