At 4:04 PM -0500 2/27/09, Dan posted:
>  At 3:25 PM -0500 2/27/2009, Steve R wrote:
>>At 2:08 PM -0500 2/27/09, Dan posted:
>>>    Now you're talking about changing normal config parameters that the
>>>    cable company doesn't care about - things on the LAN side of the
>>>    modem, not the WAN side.  And you're still running the same rev
>>>    DOCSIS.
>>No, I'm not. The new ISP programmes their modem/bridge to a
>  Explain please "non-standard".  DOCSIS devices don't go off-standard.

Dan, I am not assuming the reason for an upgrade is because the ISP 
is using DOCSIS. In the case of my neighbour switching ISPs and 
hacking the new modem, that was not the case. The original poster 
won't know unless he verifies with his ISP. He asked, I gave him 
options and a real case scenario of a modem being hacked. It's his 
choice if he's willing to take the risk. Never know till he tries.

Steve R

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