On 3/1/09 3:36 PM, joe of j...@joethejuggler.com sent

> On Mar 1, 2009, at 11:36 AM, Cyrus wrote:
>> Hmm, that's strange, the hard drive should work in either, if it's an
>> IDE HD. You could just install OSX on the G4, then put the HD from the
>> G4 in the beige, (hopefully this would work?) then move you home
>> folder over, and replace it on the G4 hd.
> I don't think this should work.  The OSX install is hardware specific, and a
> G4 isn't the same as a beige (even with a G4 upgrade).
But the opposite may work ­ install OS X on your G4, then add your targeted
HD as a slave to the new arrangement. As has been mentioned, jumper settings
would need changing, as well as cable location, which may not have been a
concern (you don¹t mention the original arrangements¹ details, Lawrence) on
the beige.
Once you get the G4 running, you¹ll enjoy the speed bump in the bus and the
increased video speed.
Best regards,

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