Set the hard drive to cable select. Why not just run both machines as
is and transfer the files between them using the network?

I have no idea how apps are installed in OSX, but in OS 7/8/9 you
could just drag the whole directory from one drive to another and the
app would run just fine.

On Mar 1, 3:51 pm, Dana Collins <> wrote:
> On 3/1/09 12:47 PM, Lawrence David Eden of sent
> >> Hmm, that's strange, the hard drive should work in either, if it's an
> >> IDE HD. You could just install OSX on the G4, then put the HD from the
> >> G4 in the beige, (hopefully this would work?) then move you home
> >> folder over, and replace it on the G4 hd. This would effectively do
> >> what you'd want, if you put your username and short name the same on
> >> both installations.
> > Tried this but it did not work.  Both hard drives are Quantum ATA.
> > Neither will work in the other computer.  Srange!
> The first thing coming to mind is the jumper settings. Would be chance the
> targeted HD in question been a slave that you are now hoping to use as a
> master? Or vs. a vs.?
> Just a thought,
> Dana
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