Hey Bruce, if you're anywhere out there -

Am absolutely fascinated by all this . . .

I've often wondered about Carbon Copy Cloner whenever I've seen it
mentioned in these posts.

Since reading your recommendation I've downloaded it and it's now
installed in my Apps folder good to go.

But, up front, I must confess that although I'm fairly handy with
managing my Macs, I don't claim to be even remotely "techy".

I've plowed thru Mike Bombich's FAQs and other CCC documentation but
I'm still very apprehensive at the prospect of what I'm proposing to

I want to clone the ageing Main 80Gig IBM drive on my G4 dual-1Gig MDD
(running 10.4.11) onto a vacant partition on my newish 500Gig WD
external drive.
The IBM, although it's never missed a beat, is over 5 years old and
its days are surely numbered. So I'm trying to insure myself against
the day when it inevitably dies on me.
All drives involved are formatted HFS+ Journaled.

I've set up the 500Gig WD external with 3 partitions:

2 x 180Gig
1 x 100Gig

The 2 x 180Gig partitions are regularly used for backing up all my
treasured files (graphic art, Cubase Audio recordings etc).
The 1 x 100Gig partition is vacant, has never been used - I've
reserved it expressly for this purpose.

What I'm concerned about is this: When Mike Bombich says that CCC
erases the target drive in order to do its thing, does he mean it
erases the ENTIRE drive?
Or will it safely clone to the vacant partition leaving the files on
the other two partitions intact?

Also, considering CCC is installed in the Apps folder of the IBM, are
there any issues regarding, basically, having this drive clone ITSELF
while it's essentially the active drive?
If I understand the documentation correctly, it seems to say it can be
done, albeit preferably during idle time.

Although it would be handy, the clone on the WD doesn't necessarily
have to be bootable. Mike states that this can be a problem with
certain WD externals.
I just want to have a current copy of my main drive stored securely
away ready to go onto a newly-installed Main drive when the IBM
eventually gives up the ghost.

Please forgive the non-tech speak . . .

Any insight you can provide for this relative layman would be hugely


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