At 4:48 AM -0700 3/20/2009, artemis wrote:
>What I'm concerned about is this: When Mike Bombich says that CCC
>erases the target drive in order to do its thing, does he mean it
>erases the ENTIRE drive?
>Or will it safely clone to the vacant partition leaving the files on
>the other two partitions intact?

For your purposes, you do NOT want to do a block-level clone.  A 
block-level clone is an *exact* copy of your original - including any 
file system holes and bad blocks.  Instead, you need to do a 
file-level backup - which CCC calls an Incremental.  Prepare your 
volumes in advance then do the incremental then CCC will populate the 
volume, building a new clean file system as it goes.

>Also, considering CCC is installed in the Apps folder of the IBM, are
>there any issues regarding, basically, having this drive clone ITSELF
>while it's essentially the active drive?

 From the OS' point of view, there's no problemo.

But some apps keep data in memory for far too long before writing it 
to disk.  This means the files that CCC grabs will be a tad out of 
date.  To prevent that, it's best to quit those app (eg: Eudora), as 
well as dismount any dmg volumes.

>If I understand the documentation correctly, it seems to say it can be
>done, albeit preferably during idle time.

Idle is best, because you're modifying fewer files.

If you want to speed up the backup a bit, btw, tell it to ignore 
"Library/Caches" and "/private/var/vm/".  Note the lack of the 
initial "/".  That's done so as to ignore /Library/Caches/ *and* all 
the caches folders in each user directory.

- Dan.
- Psychoceramic Emeritus; South Jersey, USA, Earth

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