On Mar 21, 2009, at 7:41 AM, Debra Platt wrote:

> Will 10.5 run OK on a PB G4 15", 1ghz with 1.5 gb ram? I am upgrading
> the hard drive and was thinking about making the switch while I'm
> spending the time. I use Adobe CS occasionally.
> Will upgrading the ram from 1.5 gb to 2 gb help that much?

Yeah, great. Adding the extra ram might help with CS, but barring  
specific circumstances, noticeable performance gains diminish after  
getting above 1Gig.

Once you get 10.5 installed, with the current RAM, install Menu Meters  
<http://tinyurl.com/8d5vn> and keep an eye on RAM usage. If you  
consistently find yourself with a very small amount free, boosting RAM  
will help.

I have 768 megs in mine, and it runs fine (although I don't use CS at  
all on it).

Bruce Johnson

"Wherever you go, there you are" B. Banzai,  PhD

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