On 6/6/09 11:02 AM, "Bruce Johnson" <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu> Broadcast
into the ether:

> On Jun 6, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:
>> They recommend use of Repair Permissions to cleanup a system prior to
>> installing their drivers, and then one after installing them. Really
>> seems like they're admitting to faulty systems programming on their
>> part ... not keeping up with interactive demands of OS X 10.5+
> They are completely fulla crap or they're messing with stuff they
> shouldn't be. Repair Permissions WILL NEVER TOUCH any third party items.
> THE ONLY files RP EVER looks at are files listed BY APPLE in their /
> Library/Receipts bom files.

He's right.  Bruce hates the overuse of Permissions Repair as the "magical
solution" (remember the "cuda button days?") as much as I do.

I am an apple Certified Technician.  I to it for a living.  Bruce is right.
As he almost always is....didn't I get you with 1 wrong answer?  Or

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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