On Jun 7, 2009, at 7:31 PM, PeterH wrote:

> On Jun 7, 2009, at 4:18 PM, Kyle Hansen wrote:
>>> FWIW ... manually dowloading the 10.5.7 "combo" update directly from
>>> Apple's site worked perfectly on every "Mack" or Hack which I have.
>>> Whereas, automatically downloading the model-specific update,  
>>> through
>>> "Software Update ...", failed in EVERY case, "Mack" as well as Hack.
>> That's what I am getting at.
> Let's say you have a couple of "Macks" in your shop.
> And, let's say you also have a couple of Hacks in your shop, and all
> of them are using the "vanilla" MacOS X kernel and the hidden
> partition for your EFI emulator and Boot132 for your boot loader.
> And, let's say you have a 1 GB thumb drive with the file
> "MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.7.pkg" as a "flat" file on that thumb drive, plus
> you also have the audio packages which are needed for each Hack (none
> are needed for a "Mack", of course).
> Then, simply run "MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.7.pkg" against each "Mack" and/
> or run "MacOSXUpdCombo10.5.7.pkg" against each Hack PLUS run the
> applicable audio package against each Hack, and
> Every "Mack" and Hack will be brought up to 10.5.7 and you will loose
> no functions PLUS you will gain all functions provided by 10.5.7.
> P.S. Some Netbooks use a different address for their GMA950, in which
> case you may have to edit the two GMA950 kexts. If you successfully
> got your Netbook Hack to 10.5.6, then you'll know which kexts those  
> are.
> The site referenced below contains a number of audio packages which
> have been extensively tested, and are known to work.
> "Guides" for building Hacks can also be found there, too.
> http://groups.google.com/group/hq-a <+> A home for the Hackintosh
> community.
> To subscribe to the HQ-A group, send email to hq-a
> +subscr...@googlegroups.com
> "The site referenced below......"  Don't see it.
> >

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