Kyle Hansen wrote:
> On 6/6/09 11:02 AM, "Bruce Johnson" <> Broadcast
> into the ether:
>> On Jun 6, 2009, at 10:42 AM, Bill Connelly wrote:
>>> They recommend use of Repair Permissions to cleanup a system prior to
>>> installing their drivers, and then one after installing them. Really
>>> seems like they're admitting to faulty systems programming on their
>>> part ... not keeping up with interactive demands of OS X 10.5+
>> They are completely fulla crap or they're messing with stuff they
>> shouldn't be. Repair Permissions WILL NEVER TOUCH any third party items.
>> THE ONLY files RP EVER looks at are files listed BY APPLE in their /
>> Library/Receipts bom files.

Is it JUST Apples files or anything using THE Installer and leaving 
Receipts files, I would think it's the latter.

> He's right.  Bruce hates the overuse of Permissions Repair as the "magical
> solution" (remember the "cuda button days?") as much as I do.

PRAM Reset and Desktop Rebuild were the two older "Magic Bullets" that 
weren't.  I think what people missed with these two that they also 
included a restart which likely fixed 99% of the problems but people 
attributed the fix to PRAM Reset or Desktop Rebuild.  That's why in the 
rare cases I DO recommend PRAM Reset or the even rarer Desktop Rebuild I 
mention that it is one of the rare cases when it might work.

I've been amazed at the things some people have recommend these fixes 
for.  It just shows they don't know what is happening inside.

Clark Martin
Redwood City, CA, USA
Macintosh / Internet Consulting

"I'm a designated driver on the Information Super Highway"

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