On Jun 8, 2009, at 10:36 AM, George R. Hozendorf wrote:
> Bill, please be so kind as to publish your 9 steps again.  In
> switching computers I deleted it.
> Thanks,
> George

Log onto the G3-G5 Google site ... It should be saved earlier in this  
thread, but on the G3-G5 Google site:

... let's see, it starts out as:

To try and resolve my Upgrade to 10.5.7 issues, I have since done
this, and am currently claiming success: ...

and is my "Jun 7" entry in this thread.

Its basically using applejack's 5 step auto pilot clean-up, in Single  
User Mode, and OnyX's resetting of Spotlight Index (Spotlight part  
may not be necessary, but that is what I did along the way), after  
you're back up running.

Here's applejack's link:

Here is an article which I found particularly helpful a while ago:
12-Step Program to Isolate Freezes and/or Kernel Panics

which I think you can link to via (you may need to join the forum  

Hope this helps.

Bill Connelly
artsite: http://mysite.verizon.net/moonstoneartstudio
myspace: http://www.myspace.com/moonstoneartstudio

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