On 6/14/09 2:48 AM, "Gary D." <g.dea...@web.de> Broadcast into the ether:

> Why don't we just break up the group into two groups, one for top
> posters and one for bottom posters and than everybody will be happy.
> Or maybe not. (sorry)

Most of us who have been here for the last twelve+ years years and those
with the best advice on problems that users have, just delete questions that
are not bottom posted and trimmed so let's just leave it as it is. If they
can't follow a couple of simple requests then so be it.

If I see a top post asking for help with a complicated problem that a person
who has been working on solving for days, I always know the answer (Apple
Certified Tech) ... I just delete it. Why should I be polite if they are
not? Let it run it's course. Who cares.  I only got uppity because Dan
Knight himself did so as well on a different list because the thread was

Kyle Hansen
This is the way the world ends...not with a bang, but a twitter.

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