On Jun 19, 2009, at 8:41 PM, Meghrouni Vince wrote:

> All the screws necessary to take the PS out of my G4 2002 933 Mhz
> Quicksilver are phillips except one, and no phillips touches it,
> though it looks like a phillips.  Is it a "pozi" drive?  The slots are
> shallow and not beveled.  What do I use to get this one fastener out?

Someone substituted an ersatz fastener.

All the fasteners on the G3s and G4s, and probably the G5s, with one  
important exception, are metric.

To be specific, the metric fasteners on the PSUs are all M3.5-0.6,  
and which look startlingly like an Imperial #6-32 UNC.

(The exceptions are the HD retaining screws. Those are all #6-32 UNC).

If you truly found a Pozi-Driv on the PSU, then either: 1) it is the  
fastener which retains the "L" shaped bracket, and it was put there  
by the PSU manufacturer and is not intended to be replaced, or 2) it  
is an ersatz fastener, placed there by someone who was trying to  
perform a "make do".

Remember: on G3s and G4s, and possibly also on G5s, all PSU retaining  
screws, all drive bracket retaining screws (but NOT the HD retaining  
screws themselves) and all PCI or PCI-E card retaining screws are  
specials made for Apple and are M3.5-0.6.

Apple has used a variety of heads on these M3.5-0.6 screws: #1  
Phillips, #2 Phillips, slotted, and Torx.

The whole idea behind Apple's decision was to keep Apples an all- 
metric machine, with the sole exception of the HD retaining screws  
which are always #6-32 UNC (and are Imperial).

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