polkado...@aol.com wrote:
> Hi, I have a G5 Dual 1.8 with 2 GB ram and 10.4.11 installed. I 
> started having kernal panics pretty
> regularly. I took the main drive out and installed in another G5 and 
> it runs flawlessly so I ruled out
> a bad drive. I put another clean drive in and started installing the 
> system and it froze while installing
> but worked on the second try. But now still having the kernal panics 
> problem when working with it.
> So I figured there is some other issue. I think I recall there might 
> have been an issue with this
> particular model but not sure. 
Maybe failing capactors. See previous discussions on G5's this month 
(tip change mail program to sort by sender and find my name that can 
lead to full topics.)
> Any ideas? Plus below I posted my kernal panic logo don't know if that
> would help. Thanks in advance for any advice. Trying to resolve this 
> asap as it is holding me
> up from getting my work done.
> Thanks, Linda

I just resolved an error with my new (school auction winnings) Duel G5 
1.8. I moved ram from a Imac g5 that was having KP's and boot problems 
(found failing capacitors). The tower would not boot - no video, tones, 
etc, but the light on front would flash and fans would spin up to high. 
Tried different monitors and booting from DVD. Rest button had no 
effect. Finally decided to try different ram sticks. 512 (2•256) meg ram 
and reset button got me running. Tried installing iMac (512 meg) sticks 
and they weren't recognized, using another 512 meg stick tested one at a 
time and found the bad one from the iMac. So the tower is running @ 1.5 
gig ram and the kid is a happy user again!

Charles Lenington

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