On Aug 1, 2:24 pm, Bill Connelly <billycarm...@verizon.net> wrote:
> In my QS 2002 Dual 1GHz under 10.5.7, my "750GB Seagate PATA is
> Dropping Out Again".

> Had this issue before ... wondering if its time to get a replacement
> from Seagate? Its only a year old, with very low use. Used it as an
> external FW drive, but reformatted and cloned all partitions back
> awhile ago for use as an internal drive.
Do you hear the drive spin down and spin back up, or making clicking
sounds like that is happening?  I think these new drives may be too
quiet to actually hear them spin down and up.

I had similar problems a few years ago with a drive dropping in and
out.   It turned out to be the power supply connector in the
computer.   I sent three drives in for warranty replacement before my
brain turned on, and I tried testing the suspect drives on a different
machine, where they worked perfectly.  At that point I realized that
the latest "failure" wasn't and replaced the power connector.   I had
still needlessly replaced the earlier drives, though.

The earlier poster's suggestion of trying it in your firewire
enclosure again, is also a good way to test it.   I also wonder if a
fault in your optical drive (or its power connector) on the same bus
could be causing the issue.

Jeff Walther

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