I am tagging onto Arnel's prior post re: Ubuntu/Linux - starting new
thread to avoid high-jacking his.
I quote:
On 8/7/09 11:45 PM, Arnel Tuazon of sent
> Well I thought I'd give my old iBook G3 some new life by installing Jaunty
> Jackalope as I kept hearing about Ubuntu and how great it is.  All I can say
> is if you're a regular Joe computer user, Linux is still not for you IMHO.
> etc...

> In the end I installed Tiger and the iBook is actually
> working pretty smoothly.  I installed NeoOffice over MS Office to see how
> much faster it is.  I am impressed with it.  I  may try YDL some time in the
> future with maybe my G4/1.6GHz Powermac and see how that goes.
> iBook G3/700
> 648MB RAM
> 30GB hd
(end quote)

My question: how do you folks feel about NeoOffice vs. Open Office
(either being used as a substitute for MS Office)?
Any pros/cons? Preference of one over the other? I am interested in
hearing what you have to say.

Many thanks,
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