On 8/10/09 2:25 PM, flo...@gmail.com of flo...@gmail.com sent

> If you need features, get OpenOffice 3; fully Mac-native and fast.
> NeoOffice was always slow and buggy. Nevermind that. Feature-wise, it
> seems like a buggy, slow AW6.
> I am a huge AppleWorks fan...but even that's overkill for me. I've
> managed to finish a book using Google Docs shared with my editor.
> Before that, I used TextEdit (you'd be surprised what a great SIMPLE
> editor it is when you go throught the prefs and set it how you want
> it.
> I've heard great things about ThinkFree Office. As i've heard, picture
> MS Office with all the online features of Google Docs, without the
> complexity of the Windows Live! Office part of Office for Windows.
> Sounds Complex? I know.
> So, depending on features, either TextEdit or OO3. AW6 dates back to
> '99 and Neo is buggy and slow. Good luck!
Hello "Flo".
Nice overview and annotation. Thanks!

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