On Aug 31, 2009, at 12:09 PM, John Niven wrote:

> Things that I use (pivot tables, filters, statistical functions  
> etc.) are clearly not commonly used spread sheet tools.

Pivot tables, filters and statistics are also in Open Office, just not  
in the fashion you're accustomed to. It takes a bit to grok OO's  
database access stuff, since it's quite different from Excel's.

Fortunately the Mac version of the latest Office isn't nearly as ^# 
%@&^# up as the Windows version is, but they did stuff to it ... hope  
none of your advanced functions need VBA, because they just ripped  
that sucker right out. No one in a real business uses Macs, doncha know.

That broke a hell of lot of third party add-in stuff.

Which, of course, is MS'es aim: the more difficult they can make it to  
work with Mac users (and no matter WHAT, it's ALWAYS the Mac's fault!)  
they more they 'win'.

Bruce Johnson
University of Arizona
College of Pharmacy
Information Technology Group

Institutions do not have opinions, merely customs

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