----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: PowerPC speeds and the switch to Intel...
Date:    Samstag 10 Oktober 2009N
From:    Dan <dantear...@gmail.com>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> At 11:19 PM -0400 10/9/2009, Richard Gerome wrote:
> >Isn't it true that the G5 was way too hot for the laptop???
> The PowerPC 970 (what Apple called the "G5") was physically too big,
> too hot, and sucked too much power.

Comparable to a Intel Core i5 or i7 - they suck a lot of power too.
The 970MP was a step in the right direction. My Power Mac G5 Late 2005, the 
cheapest model with the dual-core 2.0 GHz processor, sucks between 105 (in 
idle mode) and 150 (when the CPU cores are at 100%) Watts per hour. That is 
including the hard drive, the graphics card, and everything connected to it.

As far as I know Intels Core i7 draws as much power (but is propably more 
performant overall).

> It was a desktop/server grade processor, not designed for laptops at all.
> The intention was that Moto/Freescale would re-work it for laptops, but they
> failed.

Yes. They sould have taken a G4 and placed the 64-bits on it like the G2 620 
has it. Or they should have used a P.A.Semi CPU.


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