On Oct 20, 2:55 pm, Kris Tilford <ktilfo...@cox.net> wrote:
> I went to the Apple site to watch the streaming video of the  
> presentation and was rudely greeted with this:
> "Streaming video requires Safari 4 or 5 on Mac OS X Snow Leopard or  
> Safari on iOS 3 or later."
> I'm on a PPC G5 with 10.5.8 and current Safari v. 5.0.2 (5533.18.5)  
> and I CAN'T see the streaming video because it REQUIRES Snow Leopard  
> 10.6!!!
> Sometimes Apple is so insane.

I hear you. My Pentium 4 ThinkPad running Windows XP, which compared
to your G5 is a pitiful old thing, streams video just fine. So I
suspect the whole "requires this and that" is Job's cash register

Don't get me wrong, I'm all for technological advancement. I'll be
among the first in line to try Lion --if it runs on my Core 2 Duo
iMac, that is. And most likely it will. But man, there has to be a
happy medium somewhere. I mean, the whole switch to Intel happened
barely five years ago, and all of a sudden it looks like the first
couple of generations of Intel Macs will be left out of the loop...


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