Bruce Johnson wrote:
On Oct 21, 2010, at 9:24 AM, James Therrault wrote:

Some years back, Michael Dell made an utterance to the effect, "We are now in 
Chapter X of computing and when Chapter Xx is written, Apple won't be in it."  If 
one follows stocks at all, Dell's been languishing in the cellar while Apple's in the 
stratosphere.  But this doesn't mean that Apple is imune from self destructing.  Just 
look at last week's girations after Apple revealed iPad sales below expectations, 
(regardless of reason).
Do not EVER convolute Wall Street stock fluctuations with 'self-destructing'. 
The biggest lie in capitalism today is the concept of a 'rational market'.

Or as Kay put it succinctly in 'Men in Black": "A person is smart. People are dumb, 
panicky dangerous animals and you know it. "

A company can do things that cause it to self-destruct, and the stock market 
will notice it, but the reason that Apple didn't sell as many iPads as Wall 
Street analysts (not Apple, btw) predicted is because Apple COULD NOT MAKE THEM 
FAST ENOUGH. Apple announced their most profitable quarter EVER in the history 
of the company, and investors responded by complaining that it wasn't *enough* 
profit. (This said in the midst of the worst economic slowdown since the Great 

I haven't seen this much wailing, gnashing of teeth, and rending of garments 
since, I don't know, the introduction of Intel macs or even the intro of OS X 
and the horrifying realization that you had a user account on your own computer.

Jeebus, get the heck over yourselves, folks.

Computing technology is a tsunami, and it always has been. You surf it or get 
off, but regardless of what you do it moves inexorably forward. No one is going 
to come stomp on your old Macs to render them inoperable the moment 10.7 comes 
out, and it's not APPLE making Adobe write Flash plugins that don't work with 
PPC macs or OS 9, etc etc etc.

Someone on this list who hasn't bought a new Mac in a decade has no grounds to 
bitch and're literally looking for a free ride. This is the very 
thing that's  made Microsoft the lumbering dinosaur it is, having to provide 
that free ride to the folks still running Windows NT 2000 and such.

If you don't like it there are  alternatives: Windows, Linux, Chrome, just 
getting by on older Macs, but don't come here wailing about Apple becoming your 
overlord and locking you down and denying you your right to the latest and 
greatest goodies on your 6-year-old Mac.

You just sound like whiny brats with exaggerated senses of entitlement. If you don't 
like what Apple is doing, vote with your wallet. Vote with your feet. This is how to 
effectively do it. Wailing on and on about how Steve Jobs is oppressing you and 
shackling you into slavery is more suited to the 'Leeeave Britney Aloooooone" 
style of youtube drama.

Good grief: a rational and well-expressed argument.

Yes, I was happy with my early 2005 G5 dual 2.0. Then I found it essential to run CS5, and to become experienced with Snow Leopard. So I have a 2009 MacPro. Best beloved has the G5 now, and it is so far, more than adequate for her needs.

I will continue with my MacPro as long as it is viable:- note, viable not feasible. This takes into account time spent on 'maintenance', speed of operation and compatibility with my employer's Macs, for which I have assumed responsibility (IT are scared, if it isn't Windows...).

If I only perused the web, wrote the odd letter etc., I could still be running my old Beige G3 & Panther, but although there are always new developments to which my initial reaction is not ecstatic, it usually isn't too long before a bit of lateral thinking shows me where it can be of great use to me.

Jaguar, BMW or any other "prestige" motor manufacturer does not stay in business by ensuring they have a sub £5,000 offering, or that their newest model has most of its components interchangeable with those in a 2002 model.

Yes, that might seem harsh to many of those of more modest means - believe me, acquiring my MacPro entailed lots of sacrifices - some still ongoing. But overall, it is and will continue to be worth it.

Just my 2 pennyworth


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