----------  Original message  ----------
Subject: Re: IS the world about to change ?
Date:    Donnerstag 21 Oktober 2010N
From:    Bruce Johnson <john...@pharmacy.arizona.edu>
To:      g3-5-list@googlegroups.com

> On Oct 21, 2010, at 9:24 AM, James Therrault wrote:

> If you don't like it there are  alternatives: Windows, Linux, Chrome, just
> getting by on older Macs, but don't come here wailing about Apple becoming
> your overlord and locking you down and denying you your right to the
> latest and greatest goodies on your 6-year-old Mac.

This is a general problem. I run Linux for this very reason. It never let me 
down. Whatever computer hardware I was giving it, it would always do the job 
right. The upgrading is step-by-step, no great leaps, but always a little…

And I cannot come up with another operating system that would let be move from 
a PC (x86, 32-bit) to a Power Mac (PowerPC, 32-bit) to a Power Mac (PowerPC, 
64-bit) to a PC (amd64, 64-bit) without having migration trouble. All the 
software ran, regardless of the underlying architecture [except closed source 
stuff like Flash :-( – I'd love open standards!]. All my personal files and 
settings – there! You couldn't even tell the difference if it was a PC or a 

When someone buys a product like a PC with Windows, or a Mac with Mac OS, then 
(s)he agrees to the license, right? With Microsoft and Apple this is a right 
to USE this software, not to own it.

With Linux on the other hand… well, you even get the right to enhance it, 
participate with it, … much too technical stuff anyway. But you may as well 
simply just use it.

Linux has never and most likely will never drop hardware support, as long as 
you report incompatibilities at the appropriate forums/lists. A Linux 
developer will always try to solve this problem for you – as long as you are 
willing to help in this process.

Just my solution around this “business problem” some of you are having with 

Andreas  aka  Mac User #330250

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