On Mar 19, 2012, at 8:46 AM, Dan wrote:

At 8:02 AM -0700 3/19/2012, John Carmonne wrote:
That's a good feature for my MacBook Pro's. So I guess the way it got on some of my iMacs and Mac Pro was due to a CCC that I used to set up those machines.

No, not part of the cloning. The setting is in the nvram. In addition the laptops, it's the default in some other models too. I donno the full list.

I think this is true with CCC 3.4.3 but I did notice that 3.2.1 and the "backup everything" feature selected that the image was included. When I used the 3.4.3 and noticed the copy was 16GB's smaller is what alarmed me to this.

So even though I erase the file from the "non laptops" will it continue to regenerate itself?

Yes. But it shouldn't regenerate until you tell the computer to sleep. Unless you disable the feature.

If so will a system re install eliminate it?

No. Other than helping to implement it, it has little to do with OS X, really. This is a function controlled by the computer's Power Manager (PMU/SMC), enabled via the nvram setting.

Why do you want to disable this feature? Safe Sleep is a Good Thing. It lets you *fully* sleep the computer, not just sortof sleep while still sucking some power.

The problem comes when I have a 40 GB HDD with 22GB's volume and then add 16GB's sleepimage the drive is full.

John Carmonne
Yorba Linda CA  92886
From iMac Core Duo 2.0

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