Angus MacLeod wrote:
> Tha mi 'n do\chas gu bheil samhradh math aig a h-uile duine,
> Am I in hopes that is summer good at everyone,
> I hope everyone's having a good summer,

Hai Aonghais 's a h-uile duine:

  Tha samhradh an seo mu dheireadh.  Bha againn ceithir làithean blàth
comhla ri chéile.  (A bheil e ceart?  I wanted to say "four warm days in
a row", but what I made of it didn't sound right to me.)
  Bha mi a' togail balla na cloiche (neo balla na clach--should I be
saying "wall of stone"--or--"wall of stones"?)  Tha 'm fear gèarr,
timcheall air "flower bed", ach 'se clachair glè bhochd a th' annam. 
Tha mo chùl ghoirt.
  Dè 'n coltas a th' air a' t-samhradh agaibh?

  Summer is here at last.  We had four warm days together.  I was
building a stone wall.  It's a short one, around a flower bed, but it's
a very bad mason that's in me.  My back is sore.
  What is your summer like?

(Angus, I'm sorry, but it seems I have more questions than ever.)


Leslie Gadallah, Calgary, Canada-----

   Gheibh burraidh barrachd coire na 's urrainn duine glic a leasachadh
      A blockhead can find more fault than a wise man can mend 
             --Gaelic proverb
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