
On Sat, Dec 13, 2008 at 09:24:33PM +0100, Nico Gulden wrote:
> recently we had a discussion about DVCS in Gajim's groupchat.
> I vote for switching from SVN to DVCS and below I want to outline why. Because
> Gajim is mostly implemented in Python, I guess Mercurial (hg) [1] could be 
> the best
> choice.

First, I'm not a gajim developer, I just poke to code that runs on my
machine from time to time, so my preferences have really low importance.

I agree that DVCS is better. However, I prefer git (first, it seems to
have faster response, second, I know it much better). I guess git is
more familiar to much more developers than hg. Psi used darcs for a
while and they found out it is a problem to some of the potential
developers. But as I say, I'm not a developer of gajim, so do not take
this as a vote, please.

With regards

How many Lisp programmers does it take to change a light bulb?
(((H)mmm,) (I'm ((not) sure, better))) (find (out))...

Michal 'vorner' Vaner

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