In answer to your first question - you can use the "bash" interpreter as

<command interpreter="bash"> arg1 arg2 ... argN

I'll leave your second question to someone more qualified than me.

Dr. Graham Etherington
Bioinformatics Support Officer,
The Sainsbury Laboratory,
Norwich Research Park,
Norwich NR4 7UH.
Tel: +44 (0)1603 450601

On 21/11/2011 16:09, "Toqa Manasrah" <> wrote:

>Hi everybody,
>I am integrating my software ViSpA inside galaxy and I have two questions:
>1: the main program is a shell script (.sh) which call another shell
>script, which call Java executables. should I include any interpreter
>inside the .xml <command > tag?
>and what that should be?
>2. how to guarantee that the output files destination are on the use
>local host rather than the server which is running galaxy?
>Thanks and regards,

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