On Dec 20, 2011, at 6:16 PM, Langhorst, Brad wrote:

> I'm working on unpacking a zip file into multiple datasets.
> I think this is the code path
> Upload.py
> UploadToolAction
> upload_common.py: 
> get_uploaded_datesets
> new_upload
> new_history_upload or new_library_upload
> Then a job gets spooled
> Which calles add_file in 
> data_source/upload.py
> And does the expansion of the zip
> I can unpack the zip and create files in the dataset's path there.
> But I don't know how to create more dataset associations, and I'm not sure 
> that it makes sense to create datasets on the fly in  data_source/upload.py .
> Should I pass some information along with data_source/upload.py about how to 
> create dataset object and associate them with  library/history associations?
> Or maybe I can pass in some kind of a callback that can handle the dataset 
> expansion?
> (I'm pretty new to python, but it seems similar to ruby)

Hey Brad,

I was working on this a year or two ago and stopped working on the multi-file 
zip support.  I forget all of the details, but I think the hangup had to do 
with creating associations when the tool runs, as you've found.  This should 
most properly be done in the UploadToolAction, but then all of the dataset 
ids/filenames/etc need to be passed to the upload tool, and then have these 
datasets map to the right files when tools/data_source/upload.py expands the 

It may be possible to use the method at the bottom of this page instead:


> I thought about a composite dataset, but that seems like overloading that 
> concept.  Really the files I'm thinking about uplaoding are 8 independent 
> BAMs or fastqs or whatever – not a set of files that are related to each 
> other.

Composite would not be the right concept, since these should be considered 
unrelated files.

Thanks for working on this!


> Any suggestions?
> Brad
> --
> Brad Langhorst
> New England Biolabs
> langho...@neb.com
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