To clear things up, I am using my own tool which uses samtools internally.
I think I have tried the SAM-to-BAM tool when I was exploring Galaxy and I
think it worked fine. By the way, I am using Perl.

Thanks for the tips! I'll get back here if something goes awry again.

On Wed, Apr 25, 2012 at 12:54 AM, Jim Johnson <> wrote:

> *
> I put a samtools_filter tool in the toolshed that uses samtools view command.
> I called the samtools view command from the command section of the 
> tool_config and redirected stderr to stdout to avoid having galaxy interpret 
> it as an error.
> Jim Johnson
> Minnesota Supercomputing Institute
> University of Minnesota
> On Tue, Apr 24, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Ciara Ledero <> 
> <> wrote:
> *
> *Hi there,
> I know? Galaxy already has a SAM-to-BAM converter, but part of my
> exercise/task is to incorporate a script that uses samtools' view command. I
> get this error:
> [samopen] SAM header is present: 66338 sequences.
> according to Galaxy. But this might not be an error at all. Is? there any
> way that I could tell Galaxy to ignore this and just continue with the
> script?
> Thanks in advance! Any help would be greatly appreciated.
> CL*
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