Hi Greg,

> We had some occasions where we'd try to install a tool from the
> toolshed, and it would hang - it appeared that the hg pull was timing
> out.
> Was the timeout a regular occurrence?  if so, do you know that cause, and
> were you able to get it resolved?
It was repeated, but after a few tries the install would succeed
without me really 'resolving' the issue. We haven't run into the issue
in a while and I honestly have no idea if this is due to a galaxy
upgrade or if we had a temporary run of bad luck with those particular

> The October 5, 2012 Galaxy distribution news brief includes the following
> link to information about the process for handling repository installation
> errors, specifically when the errors occur during cloning.
> http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/InstallingRepositoriesToGalaxy#Handling_repository_installation_errors
> If you're running an older version of Galaxy, you'll need to update to the
> October 5 release in order to have these features.
> The news brief release information is:
> upgrade: $ hg pull -u -r b5bda7a5c345
> Let me know if this is not what you're looking for.

Thanks again, this is great. I think we have upgraded past that point now.



Clare Sloggett
Research Fellow / Bioinformatician
Life Sciences Computation Centre
Victorian Life Sciences Computation Initiative
University of Melbourne, Parkville Campus
187 Grattan Street, Carlton, Melbourne
Victoria 3010, Australia
Ph: 03 903 53357          M: 0414 854 759
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