Ok, so I answer to myself. I created 2 template and 1 controller.

You need tu put the controller in

Contains the user interface in the Universe class

import glob
import logging
import os
import socket
import string
import random
import pprint

from galaxy import web
from galaxy import util, model
from galaxy.model.orm import and_
from galaxy.security.validate_user_input import validate_email,
validate_publicname, validate_password, transform_publicname
from galaxy.util.json import from_json_string, to_json_string
from galaxy.web import url_for
from galaxy.web.base.controller import BaseUIController,
from galaxy.web.form_builder import CheckboxField, build_select_field
from galaxy.web.framework.helpers import time_ago, grids

from inspect import getmembers

log = logging.getLogger( __name__ )

require_login_template = """
    This %s has been configured such that only users who are logged in may
use it.%s

class UserOpenIDGrid( grids.Grid ):
    use_panels = False
    title = "OpenIDs linked to your account"
    model_class = model.UserOpenID
    template = '/user/openid_manage.mako'
    default_filter = { "openid" : "All" }
    default_sort_key = "-create_time"
    columns = [
        grids.TextColumn( "OpenID URL", key="openid", link=( lambda x:
dict( action='openid_auth', login_button="Login", openid_url=x.openid if
not x.provider else '', openid_provider=x.provider, auto_associate=True ) )
        grids.GridColumn( "Created", key="create_time", format=time_ago ),
    operations = [
        grids.GridOperation( "Delete", async_compatible=True ),
    def build_initial_query( self, trans, **kwd ):
        return trans.sa_session.query( self.model_class ).filter(
self.model_class.user_id == trans.user.id )

class User( BaseUIController, UsesFormDefinitionsMixin ):
    user_openid_grid = UserOpenIDGrid()
    installed_len_files = None

    def api_keys( self, trans, cntrller, uid, **kwd ):
        params = util.Params( kwd )
        message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', ''  ) )
        status = params.get( 'status', 'done' )
        uid = params.get('uid', uid)
        if params.get( 'new_api_key_button', False ):
            new_key = trans.app.model.APIKeys()
            new_key.user_id = uid
            new_key.key = trans.app.security.get_new_guid()
            trans.sa_session.add( new_key )
            message = "Generated a new web API key"
            status = "done"
        return trans.fill_template(
                                    status=status )

    def all_users( self, trans, cntrller, **kwd ):
        params = util.Params( kwd )
        message = util.restore_text( params.get( 'message', ''  ) )
        status = params.get( 'status', 'done' )
        users = []
        for user in trans.sa_session.query( trans.app.model.User ) \
trans.app.model.User.table.c.deleted==False ) \
trans.app.model.User.table.c.email ):
                uid = int(user.id)
                userkey = ""
                for api_user in
trans.sa_session.query(trans.app.model.APIKeys) \
trans.app.model.APIKeys.user_id == uid):
                    userkey = api_user.key
                users.append({'uid':uid, 'email':user.email, 'key':userkey})
        return trans.fill_template( 'webapps/galaxy/user/list_users.mako',
                                    status=status )

Then the 2 templates [galaxy_install_dir]/templates/webapps/galaxy/user/

The first one listing all the users with their keys
cat templates/webapps/galaxy/user/list_users.mako

<%inherit file="/base.mako"/>

%if message:
    ${render_msg( message, status )}

%if users:
    <div class="toolForm">
            <div class="toolFormTitle">Users informations</div>
                %for user in users:
                          <form action="${h.url_for(
controller='userskeys', action='api_keys', cntrller=cntrller )}"
                          <input type="hidden" name="uid"
value=${user['uid']} />
                          <input type="submit" name="new_api_key_button"
value="Generate a new key now" />
            <div style="clear: both"></div>
<div>No informations available</div>


The second one is just an information template :

cat templates/webapps/galaxy/user/ok_admin_api_keys.mako

<%inherit file="/base.mako"/>
<%namespace file="/message.mako" import="render_msg" />

<ul class="manage-table-actions">
        <a class="action-button"  href="${h.url_for(
controller='userskeys', action='all_users', cntrller=cntrller )}">List
users API keys</a>

%if message:
    ${render_msg( message, status )}

                <div style="clear: both;">
    SUCCESS. A new API key has been generated.

                <div style="clear: both;">
                    An API key will allow you to access Galaxy via its web
                    API (documentation forthcoming).  Please note that
                    <strong>this key acts as an alternate means to access
                    your account, and should be treated with the same care
                    as your login password</strong>.

Then, you can go to http://

I think it needs some control to check if you are an admin.

Hope this help.


2013/2/25 Rémy Dernat <remy...@gmail.com>

> Hi,
> I would like to create a tool or a template that could list and
> (re)generate key for the user you want if you are login as an admin.
> I found the api_keys function in the user controller but I don't know how
> to use it. It seems that the decorators before the function checked if you
> are login as the good user...
> I also found the mako template that used this api_keys function but it is
> still unclear for me.
> Here is my sql function (FULL OUTER JOIN compatibility for MySQL) that
> list every keys even if they are empty :
> SELECT `galaxy_user`.`id`, `api_keys`.`user_id`, `api_keys`.`key`,
> `galaxy_user`.`email`, `galaxy_user`.`username`
> FROM `galaxy_user`
> LEFT JOIN `api_keys` on `api_keys`.`user_id` = `galaxy_user`.`id`
> SELECT `galaxy_user`.`id`, `api_keys`.`user_id`, `api_keys`.`key`,
> `galaxy_user`.`email`, `galaxy_user`.`username`
> FROM `galaxy_user`
> RIGHT JOIN `api_keys` on `api_keys`.`user_id` = `galaxy_user`.`id`
> I know how to do that in PHP but it won't use python framework sqlalchemy
> (= only for mysql or pgsql...) !
> Morevoer I don't know how do you generate your api_keys. Is it a md5 sum
> based on username / password ? Or is it just a random key with fix length ?
> Any help would be gracefull,
> Regards,
> Remy
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