Hi Greg,

Is there anything left of the old (pre-hg) Tool Shed? I'm wondering if I ever
uploaded this tool back in early 2011, in which case could it have got lost
in the migration to the current hg-based Tool Shed?:


<tool id="seq_primer_clip" name="Primer clip sequences" version="0.0.7">
    <description>Trim off 5' or 3' primers</description>
        <command interpreter="python">
seq_primer_clip.py $input_file $input_file.ext $primer_fasta
$primer_type $mm $min_len $keep_negatives $output_file

If searching the archives is a hassle, don't worry - I'm just curious.

Another likely explanation is simply that I never upload the tool - it was
written for a Roche 454 dataset (to remove SMART primers) and could
work directly on the SFF files. Unfortunately it is probably too slow to
use on large Illumina FASTQ files.

I might as well (re)post it to the Tool Shed now, perhaps with a warning
that it is intended for smaller Roche/IonTorrent/Sanger sized datasets.


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