Hi Peter,

>How did you install them? Via the automated Tool Shed install,
>or manually?
I installed the tool wrappers via the Tool Shed, and Blast 2.2.28 is already 
installed on my cluster so I put the path in my environment setup file.

>How did you setup the databases?
I added the existing databases to my .loc files. They all show up in the menu 
for Blast so I think that checks out. Sometimes I've noticed that emacs has a 
problem with adding tabs so I used pico. Our HPC team updates the blast 
databases monthly, but we run with them from the bare iron to so I don't think 
they're the culprits.

>> "/N/soft/rhel6/ncbi-blast+/ncbi-blast-2.2.28+-src/c++/src/corelib/ncbiobj.cpp",
>> line 925: Critical: ncbi::CObject::ThrowNullPointerException() - Attempt to
>> access NULL pointer.

We were getting the null pointer exception even from the command line when we 
ran it with more than one thread. Funny, we reinstalled Blast 2.2.28 and this 
error went away. Who knows?

>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error loading datatype with extension
>> 'asn1': 'module' object has no attribute 'GenericAsn1'
>> WARNING:galaxy.datatypes.registry:Error loading datatype with extension
>> 'asn1-binary': 'module' object has no attribute 'GenericAsn1Binary'

>I think this might be a fault in Galaxy with some recently added
>ASN1 formats (which we will later be subclassing for using
>with BLAST or other NCBI tools). The commit was here:


Nothing in those commits looks alarming, so I'm not sure where the bug is. Now 
blast works, but I'm still getting this error with every tool I run. I think 
I'll undo the commits for now.


Carrie Ganote
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