
I am working on a tool that allows to filter on a selected set of contrasts. The contrast 
names are read from the second column of a history item. In order to allow selection of 
individual filters for each contrast, I am using the <repeat> tag. Now I would like 
to make sure that the user selects each contrast at max one time. Can I use the <filter 
...> to remove the contrasts that have already been chosen from the selection? Or is 
there a more elegant way?

<repeat name="contrasts" title="Contrast" min="1" max="3">
  <param name="contrast" type="select" label="Contrast to filter on" 
    <options from_dataset="edgercont">
      <column name="name" index="1"/>
      <column name="value" index="1"/>
  <param name="lfc" type="float" label="Linear fold-change" value="2.0" />
  <param name="pval" type="float" label="p-value cutoff" value="0.001" />

Thanks for your help in advance


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