Hi Eric,

Despite the fact that internal hg repositories are used, the idea
is NOT to use them as development repositories - but ONLY push
releases to the ToolShed.

In the interests of reproducibility (other people might use your
ToolShed entry in a workflow, or as a dependency), you should
not be able to ever rewrite history or delete commits - something
you can do with a git or hg repository but should generally avoid.

i.e. Being allowed to "cleapup and start again" is blocked by the
Galaxy goal of reproducibility.

I personally prefer git to hg, and therefore use that for development
tracking of my own ToolShed releases - but if you like hg then I
would suggest using a BitBucket.org hosted hg repository for
developing your tool.

You can see examples here - many of these tools do have
explicit dependencies on other tools/packages in the ToolShed
(either my own, or from 3rd parties):




On Tue, Jun 24, 2014 at 1:15 PM, Eric Kuyt <eric.ku...@wur.nl> wrote:
> Hi All,
> I am playing around with putting a tool in testtoolshed. Now when changes to
> dependency versions are detected, the toolshed detects a new version and a
> dropdown is created.
> but sometimes I do not want this behavior when the first version was
> erroneous for example. I tried hg strip on the repository and pushing it
> back to the testtoolshed but sadly it didn't result in a clean repository
> but a multi-headered mess.
> Is there a way to cleanup the remote repository and start over. And what
> would be a cleaner way to develop tools on a toolshed still making use of
> repository dependencies?
> Thanks,
> Eric
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