Awesome work Damion - thanks for publishing and sharing these! I hope
the workshop goes well.

I recently created a wiki page just with tool development resource links

that now gets embedded in other more common landing pages including

I have added links to your content from to this resource list.

One quick thought on the content. The interpreter="python" idiom for
wrappers has been around for years and is used widely but it has some
serious drawbacks - in particular nothing can come before the wrapper
in the tool XML - no cheetah directives like #import or #set and no
linking in files (for instance the following setup idiom:

ln -s "${input_bam}" temp_input.bam &&
ln -s "${input_bam.metadata.bam_index}" temp_input.bam.bai &&
actual_command --args

In the planemo documentation I am not going to mention interpreter for
this reason - I think it is frustrating for people when it does not
work the way intuitively it should. The forthcoming 15.03 injects a
new variable called $__tool_directory__ that I think should be the new
best practice.

ln -s "${input_bam}" temp_input.bam &&
ln -s "${input_bam.metadata.bam_index}" temp_input.bam.bai &&
python $__tool_directory__/ --args

I understand that it might be best to not base your tutorial on
features not even released yet :) - but I did want to take the
opportunity to mention this idiom.

As you mentioned I have also been working on updated tool development
documentation lately at ( I
am trying to build a set of smaller resources that can be composed
into tailored resources (e.g. build tools without planemo, with
planemo, with planemo virtual appliance), (normal tutorial, verbose
tutorial, slide-based tutorial), (with and without Docker). I don't
know if rst is up to this task, but we will see.

Another effort along these lines worth checking out is Kyle's tool
tutorial -
This tutorial is focused on using the planemo appliance and
Dockerizing tools.


On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 4:35 AM, Peter Cock <> wrote:
> On Fri, Mar 13, 2015 at 12:23 AM, Martin Čech <> wrote:
>> Your tutorial looks great Damion! Thank you for sharing.
>> I am not sure about the vocabulary you are trying to estabilish though
>> (update vs revision). I understand what you mean but I would just stick with
>> 'If the tool changed behavior you have to bump the version.' No need to
>> specifically name the steps as it can cause confusion (revision has a
>> different meaning in version control world).
> I was also confused about your (Damion's) update vs revision terminology,
> and agree with Martin that any behaviour change (especially bug fixes,
> even minor ones) should come with a version change.
> I've not had time to look at your slides, but thanks for sharing them.
> Peter
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