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>Today's Topics:
>   1. Convert SOLiD data (lishiyong)
>   2. Re: biomart plugin (Greg Von Kuster)
>   3. Re: Convert SOLiD data (Ryan Golhar)
>   4. Re: Convert SOLiD data (Jennifer Jackson)
>   5. Re: Sort & index SAM-files automatically (Ryan Golhar)
>Message: 1
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 11:35:15 +0800
>From: "lishiyong" <>
>To: "galaxy-user" <>
>Subject: [galaxy-user] Convert SOLiD data
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>       I convert SOLiD csfasta- and qual-files to fastq-files ,I want  to use 
> the fastq-files to do denovo with SOAPdenovo.because the SOLiD de novo 
> accessory tools Require large memory .But ,I find that there're some question 
> for the converting .
>for example:
>T02023221102101032002002030011232121133222233311200 ��> 
> Who knows the reason about this.
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>Message: 2
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 08:57:49 -0400
>From: Greg Von Kuster <>
>To: Andrea Edwards <>
>Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] biomart plugin
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii"
>Hello Andrea,
>Make a copy of the ~/tools/data_source/biomart.xml for your local biomart 
>install, and change the action in the following tag to point to it.
><inputs action=""; check_values="false" 
>method="get" target="_top">
>Then add your new biomart tool wrapper to your tool_conf.xml file and start up 
>your Galaxy instance.
>For details about adding a new tool, see 
>Greg Von Kuster
>On Mar 26, 2011, at 10:19 AM, Andrea Edwards wrote:
>> Hello
>> I have looked at the biomart plugin for Galaxy and this seems to allow 
>> access to marts on the biomart central server.
>> Is there anyway to use this plugin to access a biomart on my server if I 
>> can't make my biomart available on the biomart central server.
>> If not, would it be possible to achieve this with galaxy tools. I've heard 
>> of galaxy tools but never made one so I don;t know what is involved.
>> Failing that would i be able to use the biomart plugin to access my server 
>> if I had a local installation of galaxy
>> thanks
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
>> at  Please keep all replies on the list by
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>> To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
>> please use the interface at:
>Greg Von Kuster
>Galaxy Development Team
>-------------- next part --------------
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>Message: 3
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:53:56 -0400
>From: Ryan Golhar <>
>To: lishiyong <>
>Cc: galaxy-user <>
>Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Convert SOLiD data
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
>You should not convert colorspace to base space prior to aligning reads. 
>  The reason for this is that if there is an error in one of the color 
>calls, it will effect all the downstream color calls.
>Instead, you should use an aligner that will do the assembly in 
>color-space instead.  I know there are a few out there, but don't know 
>them off the top of my head.
>On 3/27/11 11:35 PM, lishiyong wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I convert SOLiD csfasta- and qual-files to fastq-files ,I want to use
>> the fastq-files to do denovo with *SOAPdenovo*.because the SOLiD de novo
>> accessory tools Require large memory .But ,I find that there're some
>> question for the converting .
>> for example:
>> T02023221102101032002002030011232121133222233311200 ??>
>> But I think it should to be
>> about this.
>> 2011-03-28
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> lishiyong
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
>> at  Please keep all replies on the list by
>> using "reply all" in your mail client.  For discussion of
>> local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
>> use the Galaxy Development list:
>> To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
>> please use the interface at:
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>Message: 4
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 06:57:06 -0700
>From: Jennifer Jackson <>
>To: lishiyong <>
>Cc: galaxy-user <>
>Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Convert SOLiD data
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=windows-1252; format=flowed
>Hello Lishiyong,
>Just to confirm, the conversion was performed at Galaxy main using "NGS: 
>QC and manipulation -> Convert SOLiD output to fastq"? With the option 
>"double encode = yes"? If so, the output appears to be correct.
>quote from tool help:
>"Double encode? - converts color calls (0123.) to pseudo-nucleotides 
>(ACGTN). Not necessary for bowtie. Required for BWA."
>Please let us know if we can help more,
>Galaxy team
>On 3/27/11 8:35 PM, lishiyong wrote:
>> Hello!
>> I convert SOLiD csfasta- and qual-files to fastq-files ,I want to use
>> the fastq-files to do denovo with *SOAPdenovo*.because the SOLiD de novo
>> accessory tools Require large memory .But ,I find that there're some
>> question for the converting .
>> for example:
>> T02023221102101032002002030011232121133222233311200 ??>
>> But I think it should to be
>> about this.
>> 2011-03-28
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> lishiyong
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
>> at  Please keep all replies on the list by
>> using "reply all" in your mail client.  For discussion of
>> local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
>> use the Galaxy Development list:
>> To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
>> please use the interface at:
>Jennifer Jackson
>Message: 5
>Date: Mon, 28 Mar 2011 09:56:51 -0400
>From: Ryan Golhar <>
>Cc:, Jochen Seggewi?
>       <>
>Subject: Re: [galaxy-user] Sort & index SAM-files automatically
>Message-ID: <>
>Content-Type: text/plain; charset="windows-1252"; Format="flowed"
>Use the SAM Tools SAM-TO-BAM tool in Galaxy to convert your SAM file to 
>a BAM file.
>On 3/25/11 10:35 AM, Jochen Seggewi? wrote:
>> Hi!
>> Thank you for your reply.
>> So that means, I should convert the csfasta & qual to fastq, map it with
>> Bowtie, get an SAM, convert it to BAM and then index that BAM?
>> How can I index BAM using GALAXY?
>> I haven?t found a way to get a BAM directly from GALAXY using csfasta &
>> qual as input files.
>> Best regards
>> Jo
>> Am 3/25/2011 3:13 PM, schrieb Jim Robinson:
>>> Hi Jo,
>>> To short-circuit confusion I'll jump in here.  I'm the developer of
>>> IGV and igvtools,  the sorting and indexing for SAM files was added
>>> long ago, even before indexed BAM files were possible from Java
>>> programs.   The recommendation now is to convert to BAM and index
>>> that,  although SAM files still work.   If the galaxy community would
>>> like the SAM option I'm happy to have igvtools wrapped as a module,
>>> and will help with that.
>>> BTW,  I also have some code (xml) to wrap IGV itself as a Galaxy
>>> visualizer,  contributed to me by a user.  As I don't have a private
>>> Galaxy installation I'm unable to test it myself, but can make it
>>> available if anyone is interested.
>>> Jim
>>>> Hello!
>>>> I convert SOLiD csfasta- and qual-files to fastq-files and map those
>>>> against Hg19 (Bowtie).
>>>> I would like to use the resulting sam-files in the IGV browser (Broad
>>>> Institute).
>>>> Therefore, the sam-file need to be sorted an indexed. This could be
>>>> done using the ?igvtools?.
>>>> However, it would be nicer if this sorting and indexing could be done
>>>> automatically using GALAXY.
>>>> I guess that it is certainly possible ? but I do not know how.
>>>> Could anybody let me know how it works and what function I have to
>>>> use, respectively?
>>>> How can I sort the sam-file the correct way?
>>>> Thank you in advance.
>>>> Best regards
>>>> Jo
>>>> ___________________________________________________________
>>>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>>>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
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>>>> using "reply all" in your mail client.  For discussion of
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>>>> use the Galaxy Development list:
>>>> To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
>>>> please use the interface at:
>>> ___________________________________________________________
>>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
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>>> using "reply all" in your mail client.  For discussion of
>>> local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
>>> use the Galaxy Development list:
>>> To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
>>> please use the interface at:
>> ___________________________________________________________
>> The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
>> Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
>> at  Please keep all replies on the list by
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>> local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
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>galaxy-user mailing list
>End of galaxy-user Digest, Vol 57, Issue 26

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