Hello all,

The new Galaxy wiki includes a Galaxy
Events<http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Events>page (
http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Events) that lists upcoming events (such as ISMB/ECCB
2011 <http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Events/ISMB-ECCB-BOSC%202011> and the Workshop
on Comparative Genomics<http://www.molecularevolution.org/workshops/WCG#wcgna>)
that have Galaxy related content.

The page also contains a link to the new Galaxy Events Google
that lists events and deadlines that may be of interest to the Galaxy
community. For example, this week there are 5+ events going on and these 5
deadlines as well:

   - PSB 2012 <http://psb.stanford.edu/> abstracts (were due Monday)
   - Beyond the Genome
<http://www.beyond-the-genome.com/program.html>abstract and early
registration (Friday)
   - GIW 2011 <http://www.kobic.re.kr/giw2011/> abstracts (Friday)
   - Computational & Comparative Genomics
   - Advanced Sequencing Technologies & Applications

If you know of events that either have significant Galaxy content, or are of
interest to the overall community, please send them to
outre...@galaxyproject.org and they will be added to the
Events<http://wiki.g2.bx.psu.edu/Events>page and the calendar.


Dave C.

The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
at usegalaxy.org.  Please keep all replies on the list by
using "reply all" in your mail client.  For discussion of
local Galaxy instances and the Galaxy source code, please
use the Galaxy Development list:


To manage your subscriptions to this and other Galaxy lists,
please use the interface at:


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