Hi Vincent, Scott,

Filtering raw hits is an important part of a metagenomics analysis pipeline. Please see the methods described in the published metagenomics analysis paper associated with this tool set:

Koskovsky Pond S, Wadhawan S, Chiaromonte F, Ananda G, Chung W, Taylor J, and Nekrutenko A. "Windshield splatter analysis with the Galaxy metagenomic pipeline". Genome Research. 2009 Nov; 19(11):2144-53.


Live supplemental data that can be imported and experimented with is available on the public instance, including raw data, working histories, and a tutorial that demonstrates step-by-step the exact methods used in the publication:
http://main.g2.bx.psu.edu/library -> see "Windshield splatter"

Not all tools are available on the public main server, but a local or cloud instance could be used with wrapped tools from the Distribution or Tool Shed, as necessary. For example, BLAST is not available on the public instance, but is included in the distribution for use in local or cloud instances. http://getgalaxy.org

Hopefully you will both find this helpful,

Galaxy project

On 2/29/12 5:32 PM, Montoya, Vincent wrote:
I am a relatively new user on Galaxy and I had a question regarding "Fetching 
Taxonomic Information".  It is great that I can retrieve all of the hits for each 
sequence, but I cannot seem to find an option to also provide how accurate of a match it 
is to the given taxon.  For instance, a percentage match.  I can access this information 
in the original file and programmatically retrieve it but, it would be nice if it came in 
one package so that I can avoide those false hits that have a low percentage match.  Can 
you please provide me with instructions on how to best to retrieve this information 
(hopefully in a single file)?
Thank you
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Jennifer Jackson
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