Hi Monica,

From your description, moving to a cloud instance is going to be your best solution:


If you have questions as you are getting set up, these are best directed at the galaxy-...@bx.psu.edu mailing list.

Take care,

Galaxy team

On 6/6/12 1:57 AM, Monica BALLARINO wrote:
Dear Galaxy team,

I'm using Galaxy Main to run paired-end RNAseq data. I'm a new user and
I'm in trouble.

I have a total of four set of data to compare: 2 negative controls and
two samples.

I uploaded already three complete histories (as fastq files) which were
around 70 Gb each (MBO11, MBO12 and MBO13). I need to upload the last
history (MBO14) but unfortunately I just started and apparently I cannot
go further 'cause I've used already 100% of my space.

Could you suggest please me a way to go on?

My login is edoa...@igbmc.fr. Let me know if you would need my password
to check my account.

Thanks a lot for your support.


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Jennifer Jackson
The Galaxy User list should be used for the discussion of
Galaxy analysis and other features on the public server
at usegalaxy.org.  Please keep all replies on the list by
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