
Cópiovos o correo que me envían desde mozilla para participar con
feedback nas betas do Firefox 4. Como o vedes? Eu non vou a ter tempo
e meu inglés non dá para tanto. Se alguen quere participar, que avise
e miramos como xestionalo, pero que sepa que isto require un
compromiso e traballo.

Dear Mozilla Contributor,

You are receiving this message because you're one of the Mozilla local
community leaders contributing to the Firefox project.

As you may know, Mozilla is working hard on Firefox 4 and we have very
high expectations for the release. The core themes of Firefox are speed,
empowerment and user control.
We're improving a lot of aspects of Firefox to reach this goal, and we
want to involve our community more directly than ever in the development

To do this, we are launching a new and improved beta program that's all
about getting user feedback and implementing that feedback as necessary
to make the best Firefox 4 we can.

We are targeting a much more diverse group of users, both in type and
amount.  To give you some context, we usually have around 1M users
before an official product launch.
This time around, we want to bring more mainstream users into the beta
program much, much earlier.  We also want to get somewhere between 2-4
Million users before the official Firefox 4 launch.

Because you represent Mozilla in your locale, we hope that you (or
someone from your team) will volunteer to be the Firefox 4 beta feedback
ambassador. What that means is that we would like your help gathering
web users from your region, opening up specific Firefox 4 beta forums on
your community web site, gathering a relevant feedback (for example,
Firefox 4 does not work with a popular site in your locale or, Feature X
is hard to discover/use for our users) and reporting back translated
concerns to the Firefox 4 team.

What to Expect
If you want to volunteer, please let Laura Mesa (CC'ed), one of the
Product Marketing Managers for Firefox, know.
She will add you to a Feedback list email list.  With every beta
release, she will send you a list of questions/issues that the Product
Team would like to know about. She will then ask you to ask those
questions to your community members in any central hub of your choice
(your local community forum, web oriented newsgroup, your blog, social
network) and moderate feedback discussion. Ultimately we'd like to ask
you to gather the summary and key points from the discussion and provide
us short summary of the feedback which we will append to other feedback
results we get. .

We hope to run this cycle of feedback with each beta and are expecting
between 4 and 5 betas, each cycle lasting 2-3 weeks.

The program is fully voluntary and it is not part of the Firefox 4
release process, so feel free to skip it if you don't think you have the
resources to lead it.

Once again, if you do want to participate, please confirm with myself
and Laura Mesa and we will add your team/email to our list.

Thank you!
gandalf & laura

Mozilla (

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