2.  Tell me more about the dragons.  Are these the magical creatures of 
LeGuin, the evil servants of the Dark Lord of Tolkien, the friendly dragons 
of Perne or something different?
Ivan's answer:
Well, I  do not understand the question to well. Are you talking about  the
mane charictor? Or you're enimeeys?
end Quote
Well Ivan, how about both ways, the main character and the enmies, explain 
what kind f dragon the main character will be and explain what kind of 
dragon the enemies will be.

3.  Who are the enemies that we will be fighting?
Ivan's answer:
Well, I do not understand that question eather.
end quote
the question was pretty simple, what kind f enemies will the main character 
be facing in battles? Such as humans, dragon hunters, wizards, other 
dragons, etc. That is what the question is asking

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