Hi, Kim.
Side-scroller is a style of game that was heavily seen on Atari and NES 
game systems. They were basicly 2D games with only four general 
directions of movement up, down, left, and right. You usually went up by 
climbing up something or jumping to that level. The same with going 
down. You climbed down or jumped to that level. To walk you moved the 
controler left or right in the direction you wanted to go.
Since I had useful vision back in the 80's I did play allot of the 
side-scroller games Pitfall, Montezuma's Revenge, Double Dragon, Marrio, 
Legend of Kage, Ninja Turtles, Megaman, Castlevania, just to name a few 
of the major ones I played.
As to the second part of your question a game engine is code written by 
a game developer which supports the operation of games. This can include 
libraries for creating game creatures, characters, and objects, audio 
backends for playing of sounds, code to handle game controllers, etc.
To explain how this is useful say tomorrow I was going to work on 
Marrio. Well, it is a 2d game and the Monty Engine is set up to handle 
that sort of movement. I already have classes to handle walls, swinging 
ropes and vines, ladders, maze construction, etc.
Well, I can use all that in the new game and change or modify the level 
code to mirror what I want instead of a sandy temple flor it is now a 
grassy field, or instead of a lava pit it becomes a pool of water, etc.

Kim Etheridge wrote:
> Cool! My idea might actually make a difference here. By the way, what's a 
> side scroller engine, and how does it work?
> ----- Original Message ----- 
> From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: "Gamers Discussion list" <gamers@audyssey.org>
> Sent: Thursday, June 08, 2006 10:11 AM
> Subject: Re: [Audyssey] new game idea
>> Hi, Kim.
>> Again no problem on the effects. I am loaded for stuff like that. I have
>> dragon sounds for the Dragon caves as well as the sound of swinging
>> vines. I suppose as a dev I am probably the best one to take on a
>> project of that type. Marrio is a side scroller like Montezuma's
>> Revenge, and I already have a side scroller engine in development.  Once
>> Monty is released perhaps I can modify the Monty engine to be a Marrio
>> game. I'm a bit tied at the moment with my current list of games, but I
>> will definately concidder a Marrio type game once I get through with my
>> current projects.
>> Kim Etheridge wrote:
>>> Thank you, Tom.  When I posted this idea, I was expecting the worst. I
>>> expected to be flamed and criticized, but I'm pleased that you proved me
>>> wrong. Anyway, though, as a developer,I'm sure you're knowledgeable about
>>> the time it would take to take on such a project. I'm not a developer, so
>>> I'm clueless about such things. All I know is, more ideas have to be put 
>>> in
>>> place. Take the dragon caves for example. You'd have to hear the dragon 
>>> and
>>> the fire sound to know where he is, so that if you've got flower power, 
>>> you
>>> can go and shoot him. Wouldn't it be nice Anyway, it would be nice if the
>>> game lacked those annoying things that shrink you once you've taken a
>>> mushroom.  Anyway, though, I like what you were suggesting as far as the
>>> sounds for the mushroom. The same principle can be applied to flowers, 
>>> free
>>> men, stars, vines, and whatnot. I wonder who'd develop this game. As far 
>>> as
>>> I know, Nintendo hasn't released any updates to Mario, so it shouldn't be 
>>> as
>>> complicated to manage as a Price is Right game. Jim could probably take 
>>> this
>>> on, if he had the sound files or other tools.
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