Here are my thoughts regarding cheating in games.
Firstly, I only use actual cheat codes for one of two reasons: If the game 
in question is one that I can't actually play due to inaccessibility, but I 
still like the idea of messing around with everything in the game, I'll 
cheat. GTA is a great example of this. 2:  I've beaten the game so many 
times that I wanna see what the cheat codes are like. Superliam is a great 
example of this.
Secondly, I believe in unlockables. If you can accomplish something in a 
game and get something really awesome for it, even if the awesome thing in 
question goes a bit beyond the game's standard of realism, then it's 
alright. Why is it alright? Because you earned what you got by accomplishing 
something that was either very difficult or very important. On a side note, 
the trophy and unlockable system that will be appearing in Liam's Judgement 
Day game was almost completely my idea. I mention it here because I sense 
that Liam may not remember that.
So that's what I think about cheating. Unlockables rule, and cheats are for 
when you're just having fun. Beat the game first, a couple times if 
possible, and then go right on ahead and cheat.

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Thomas Ward" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Gamers Discussion list" <>
Sent: Sunday, June 25, 2006 11:40 PM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] some people don't like challenge

> Hi, Charles.
> I have noticed that observation as well. That is one reason I don't add
> cheet codes, and some things are intentionally left out for a purpose.
> When I play GMA's titles say GTC everyone wanted to give out cheats when
> I wanted was hints on different approaches to try. Cheating takes away
> from agames discovery, trial and error, etc.
> In some cases in my games like in Monty I can't give you a specific time
> to jump as it really is a hand ear thing. It took me practice as well,
> and it was true for the original game for the Atari. The only difference
> was you had to see when it was getting to close and jump. This case is
> hear and jump.
> The spider at the lava pit. Knowing when to jump is key to getting
> passed him, and getting over the second lava pit successfully. How do
> you gain that knolege? Simple practice.

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