Free games ain't going to have computer being smart as Oppenheimer.

Now, I again, will throw down the Gonelet and to find out how many want to 
put their purple money where there mouth is.

I would be happy to help start a Monopoly Tournament for the blind.  As many 
know that I run many pools and so I do have the software toput up a web page 
showing either brackets or most likey a standings format will be used.

How long the tournament would last would depend on the number of members in 
the tournament.

Like they do on have Golf tourneys on a regular bases with 
Jim's game why not Monopoly.

The last time I had offer this idea, was a system where there would been a 
small Fee to play in the tournament of five bucks that way the winner of the 
tournament could be awarded something afterward.  Since the tournament could 
been as long as the football season, I thought it would only been right.
Now taking the bull by the horn again, since now there has been talk about 
how good one is beating up a simple bot in a game, lets get down to 

For those who wants braging rights.  Where is what I will do.
Instead of having an open tournament that could last for months, but a close 
tournament.  Members will have to belong to FTP and only four players may be 
pick from this list.  I will then will may it know to the Talk list on the 
FTP email group where aother four players will be choosen by me.

The 8 members and myself will have a meeting on FTP to hammer out detail on 
the rules.  During this metting those who wish to join the tournament will 
be able to sign up.
With nobodie needing to pay any sort of fee to play, but a reasonable number 
of players

But first is first, and I need feedback on having a tournament.  And Again I 
will start with this email list to test the waters.  If I get a good enough 
response on who would want to participate then I will move to the next steps 
in the process in forming a league of members.

Lets create a new thread and have it called:
"Lets do it"
In the thread just put in the phrase
"Consider me as a member"

If the thread starts I  would like to see it go for a week.  I then will ask 
it to be closed out after that amount of time.  Then I will let the list 
know of my decision if there is enough interest where I would consider 
giving up some of my time and resources to produce a MOnopoly tournamet

Gary aka Crash
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Jim Kitchen" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Thomas Ward" <>
Sent: Tuesday, August 22, 2006 4:17 AM
Subject: Re: [Audyssey] Jim's Monopoly.

> Hi Thomas,
> Thank you for your suggestions, but as I said and you suggested, I think 
> that you would be better off writing your own Monopoly game since you have 
> a better head for business and writing artificial intelligence.
> ----- Original Message -----
> Hi Jim,
> Your Monopoly game has promise, but I think a few small corrections in
> the way the computer does business would go a long way to improving the
> game play.
> For example, when I play and I start getting low on cash I stop buying
> property and houses until I build up a bit of a reserve. That way I
> don't go to much in to debt by morgadging all my properties.
> However, the computer AI player will land on an expensive property, have
> limitted funds, and instead of trying to buy it later buys right then,
> and morgadges several properties to obtain the property. That is a very
> risky move, and can be a suicidal act in the end if the computer player
> doesn't know how to recover from that kind of move properly. Which it
> usually doesn't, and continues to lose money rather than continue
> picking up income.
> Here is a clear example of a mistake the computer player makes. It
> usually tries to unmorgadge the most expensive properties, and start
> building there first. Good if you have the funds to do it, but bad if
> you have limited funds.
> Well, in my last game the computer player had all the green properties,
> red, and light blue. All of them were morgadged and the computer just
> went around go. It unmorgadged a green property. However, a more
> financially sound investment might have been to unmorgadge the light
> blue, and then build a few houses on it in time so that there would be
> some income coming in besides the $14, and so on from the empty 
> properties.
> The income from the light blue properties could have been used to pull
> say the red out of debt, and once started building on that the player
> could have started in too the green.
> What I am saying in monopoly as in real life building a monopoly takes
> starting from the least expensive investments and as you increase
> investments, build upwards until u reach the final goal.
>     Jim
> I will always cherish the initial misconceptions I had about you.
> 1-440-286-6920
> Chardon Ohio
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