I think it all comes down to what you're looking for in a game, how much
sighted help you have, how much you're willing to experiment, and a whole
host of other factors. In the end, it all amounts to how much accessibility
you want, and what degree of inaccessibility you're willing to put up with.
Would you know just from the sounds that one of Scorpion's combos in MK III
has him pulling out a battleaxe and slicing his opponent up with it? Can you
tell what a fatality does just by the sounds it makes, or do you need a
sighted person or internet site to describe them to you?
Personally, I'm into the games purely from a point of nostalgia, and enjoy
watching someone play if they describe. Occasionally, I'll even pick up a
controller, study the move lists, and do a little button mashing myself, but
I also won't convince myself that I'm really playing the game. I could
probably steal a car in GTA III, and could probably shoot a few people, but
I could never jump the buildings on my motorcycle or take pictures of the
philandering senator--and if I can't do those things, I can't complete the
game, and if I can't complete the game, is it really even accessible?


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