Hi Dark,
I have many of the effects you were talking about such as gusting wind, 
burning torches, dripping water, etc as I have allot of that stuff for 
Montezuma's Revenge as well as a couple of games yet to be announced and 
As far as sharing sound effects I suppose the Audio Games Maker comunity 
can make a library of sounds and share them around, but the problem I 
see with that is uniqueness.
Here is an example of this. When James North started Monty he was 
heavily depending on sound effects from Monkey Business. Especially the 
temple level. That is fine as they were originally his sounds, and he 
passed them on to Josh when James turned Monkey Business over to him.
So when I took over Montezuma's Revenge I discovered a nice sound 
effects library on the source code cd, and most of which were from 
Monkey Business. Although I am perfectly in my right to go ahead and use 
the sounds he had planned for Montezuma's Revenge I have been hoping to 
come up with my own temple effects for Monty and get away from sounding 
like Monkey Business. Main reason is uniqueness. I want Monty to sound 
unique not like 10 levels of Monkey Business's temple level.
My first Alpha release used many of the Monkey Business effects that 
shipped with the source, but now in Alpha 2 I have replaced a good 
number of effects with higher quality and more unique sounding effects. 
Montezuma's Revenge shouldn't sound like Monkey Business when the finish 
product is released.
Bottom line what i am saying is it would be a shame to have 30 nice new 
games, and almost all the sound effects are the same. We want sounds to 
sound different much as vidio games pride themselves on different and 
better graphics.
You are right wind effects, gun shots, etc probably don't differ much 
from game to game. However, it is time to be careful how many common 
effects you use or your game play might be different,but your game 
sounds just like everyone elses.


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