Hi Shaun and all,

OK, we are drifting way off topic. Talking about CAPTCHAs was a gray
area in of itself, but I allowed it since it relates to Puppet
Nightmares and a few other browser games. However, this business of
how people use to be 10, 20, 30 years ago etc is way, way, way off
topic. So let's steer things back on topic or close it.


On 4/10/13, shaun everiss <sm.ever...@gmail.com> wrote:
> tom I couldn't aggree with you more.
> I actually grew up in the late 80s  and 90s.
> it changed around 1995.
> It was much simpler before the net sertainly nothing major happened
> till after 2000 its probably because things are to easy now that all
> this expantion is blowing over.
> You are right about it being offtopic though, however since you are
> responding to this today I figure I have at least one day of this banter.
> anyway, living in a small country I can realise how that growing is going.
> my citty is getting bigger and running out of land, a lot of the
> quiet country side and villages around here are growing into citties
> within themselves.
> Its progress ofcause but people are not to happy about it.
> loads of protests and such.
> some succeed some don't.
> But as you say its the way things are.
> One day when we can time travel I'd like to go back, to the 30s then
> 60s 70s and see how things were more simpler but oh well we have what
> we have and I am happy that for at least 20 years it was not all
> about tablets and iapads.
> kids are being born into computers instead of writing now.

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